Teaching OnCourse

Before the class, I thought OnCourse is very easy to teach and learn. However, in class, I found that students do not follow the steps at the same step. Why some students cannot follow the speed? Have I overestimated the speed? Is there anything that impedes certain students from following? I am thinking of four possible impeding sources: low prerequiste and skills with computer, lack of confidence, inadequate listening skills, and lack of concentration. I realize that I can prepar for the first impeding factor by providing more help before and after class. However, it is difficult for me to deal with the other three. At the same time, I am facing the dilemma of helping each individual student and finishing the tasks for the lesson in limited time. One approach to solve the problem will be to create tutorial beforehand and give chance to students who are relatively slower to follow up a chance to do it in advance and come to class more prepared.


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