Lecturing on Internet Concepts and Internet Use

Today, I have done a lecture on Internet Use and related concepts. I argue with myself if I should do this. Students do not necessarily know these concepts to browse the Web, to use Email, etc. However, they will be able to use Internet more informed and would be able to achieve more tasks and achieve tasks they know more efficiently. They will also be able to transfer their knowledge to later tasks we are going to fulfil. For example, understanding URL components will help them understand the structure of a website, which they are going to create, and the way a website is published and located on the Internet. However, it is too much lecturing. Based on my observation, some students are very engaged from their eyes, from their nods, from their posture. But there is also low talking around, which makes me feel those are not engaged. One belief I got from Dr. Carspecken's class is that the instructor should assume the responsibility for unengaged students and confused students. So I would say this lesson is only partially successful because although it attracts some students, it also loses some. I feel it is a pity that those who I lose miss a chance to become a more informed technology learner and user.
I am also thinking that I might aim too high and that might be the reason I lose some students. Or am I too boring? I already put a lot of time in preparing the class. It does take a lot more time to make the class more engaging. I know there are games around that I can use. It is just beyond my effort right now. I do need more time and more experience for designing technology classes that both engage students and facilitate learning.


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