
read about Edward Bakst and creativity..
Here is a quote:

"Bakst is also working on the design of a space that will foster creativity among multiple disciplines. He calls this space the incubator. The incubator will allow creative minds from around the world to socialize, brainstorm, and transform each other’s works. It will be an open space of innovation in all forms."

I bold the three words and I think them key words in learning communities and they are on different levels. We lack the emphasis on the third level: transform. This is closely related to my dissertation, too...This is where re-construction of knowledge system begins.

Below are some of Bakst's own words:

"Life narrows us. It’s a few of us who manage to not be narrowed."

"Teaching is basically screwing up students’ minds. It’s wonderful to get your students to a point when they decide to disregard everything they’ve learned and just jump and experience, to open their wings and start flying."

"The government and ministers in Singapore. I said to them, “you cannot manufacture creativity.” For example, you can’t rush wine because it will turn into vinegar...It is our pre-existing conditions that are our greatest enemies. I say don’t settle, be a wanderer. Stability and settling is dangerous. Comfort is dangerous..."

I like some of his comments and are not sure of some others. Need to read more to really know him...

I am thinking about my unfinished project on creativity wave...


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