
Showing posts from August, 2008

report and white paper

I am cleaning up my Endnote library and are confused about the reference type of "report" and "white paper". A google search finds the following: There are lots of different types of reports, including: Analyst reports Industry reports Analytical reports Book reports (the oddball of this list) Some reports examine data from studies while others take a critical look at a specific topic. Reports usually tend to be highly informative and may include opinions and projections. Reports are generally written by member organizations, like IEEE, Gartner Group or the Society for Technical Communication. White papers: Include both informative AND persuasive information Usually are written by a company or individual for promotional purposes Often are used directly in a sales capacity (as a lead generator or leave-behind piece) Argue a very specific position Discuss processes in detail Often examine benefits of a solution In summary: Reports simply report the facts, where white

Good to see ideas embedded in the report

I am reading Sonny's revised proposal for the ID marketplace. It really feels great to see my ideas there, too. When your idea is valued, you feel your own value. Although previously written document was valued too, this one is the first time that my own ideas go to the stage of early design :-)