Cold Fusion Workshop

Event: BFlex & BFusion 08 Conference
September 6, 2008
Place: Kelly Business School
Instructor: Matt Boles, Adobe Customer Training

I came to the pure Beginner Session. Not sure of my "programming" skills at ALL.
The instructor is really nice. Clearly explaining everything and really really patient. So it is easier than I expected, at least till now. That is why I have some extra time to type this blog article... Here are some notes:


  • cfset
  • cfout
  • cfinclude

  • Manage the DreamWeaver Site: Advanced tab-->Local root: find the local root of the CF administrator folder
  • Edit in the DreamWeaver page: in my old MacroMedia version, choose: Dynamic page, Cold fusion.
  • #sign to put in front of variables to instruct CF to evaluate the value.
  • better practice to scope the variables, such as: #Variables.lastName# is better than #lastName#, although the latter works, too.
  • The CF comment will not make it to the browser, unlike the html comment
  • CF variables are typeless: you do not have to identify the type of value
By the way, the instructor also said: CF just became available for free for the education use.

Publishing Database Content

  • CF communicates with data source through a database interface called Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). It is a standard Application Programming Interface (API) for assessing information from different database systems and differen storage formats.
  • A data source (connection profile) is a profile that specifies all the connection parameters necessary to access the database, such as: login, password, server name, database name, etc.
  • primary key, foreign key, joint
  • Query builder-->Use DreamWeaver RecordSet Builder (Window: Databases: Bindings Pannel)
  • cfdump: quickly view the content of any variable
  • cfquery: result attribute,


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