There are many reserachers... who refer to Novak and Gowin (1984), but clearly mix concept maps with Buzan's (1974, 2000) mind maps, which are much simpler association maps. Most articles published that describe the use of concept mapping refer to Novak and Gowin (1984). Novak (1998) has applied for a trademark of his style of concept mapping: Concept Maps TM. from Example of Concept Map: Ahlberg, M. & Ahoranta, V. 2002. Two improved educational theory based tools to monitor and promote quality of geographical education and> learning. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 11(2), 119 - 137. "A concept map is a graphical knowledge representation method (Ã…hlberg, 1990a, 1993), among many (e.g. mind maps, Buzan, 1982, 1993). Concept maps were originally based on Ausubel’s learning theory (Novak &...