
Showing posts from 2008

NIH SBIR Work Progress

Due to problem of submitting using the PureEdge package, submission is now done through Adobe Forms Pilot. Finally, these form names have meaning to me: SF424, PHS... I will get the template done today!! No more delay...


DUNS number: When reading NIH proposal solicitation, I learn this word. It means: Data Universal Numbering System, "a system developed and regulated by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) which assigns a unique numeric identifier to a single business entity" (based on Wikipedia).

Cold Fusion Workshop

Event: BFlex & BFusion 08 Conference September 6, 2008 Place: Kelly Business School Instructor: Matt Boles, Adobe Customer Training I came to the pure Beginner Session. Not sure of my "programming" skills at ALL. The instructor is really nice. Clearly explaining everything and really really patient. So it is easier than I expected, at least till now. That is why I have some extra time to type this blog article... Here are some notes: Introduction tags: cfset cfout cfinclude notes: Manage the DreamWeaver Site: Advanced tab-->Local root: find the local root of the CF administrator folder Edit in the DreamWeaver page: in my old MacroMedia version, choose: Dynamic page, Cold fusion. #sign to put in front of variables to instruct CF to evaluate the value. better practice to scope the variables, such as: #Variables.lastName# is better than #lastName#, although the latter works, too. The CF comment will not make it to the browser, unlike the html comment CF variables are type...

report and white paper

I am cleaning up my Endnote library and are confused about the reference type of "report" and "white paper". A google search finds the following: There are lots of different types of reports, including: Analyst reports Industry reports Analytical reports Book reports (the oddball of this list) Some reports examine data from studies while others take a critical look at a specific topic. Reports usually tend to be highly informative and may include opinions and projections. Reports are generally written by member organizations, like IEEE, Gartner Group or the Society for Technical Communication. White papers: Include both informative AND persuasive information Usually are written by a company or individual for promotional purposes Often are used directly in a sales capacity (as a lead generator or leave-behind piece) Argue a very specific position Discuss processes in detail Often examine benefits of a solution In summary: Reports simply report the facts, where white...

Good to see ideas embedded in the report

I am reading Sonny's revised proposal for the ID marketplace. It really feels great to see my ideas there, too. When your idea is valued, you feel your own value. Although previously written document was valued too, this one is the first time that my own ideas go to the stage of early design :-)

Concept Maps

There are many reserachers... who refer to Novak and Gowin (1984), but clearly mix concept maps with Buzan's (1974, 2000) mind maps, which are much simpler association maps. Most articles published that describe the use of concept mapping refer to Novak and Gowin (1984). Novak (1998) has applied for a trademark of his style of concept mapping: Concept Maps TM. from Example of Concept Map: Ahlberg, M. & Ahoranta, V. 2002. Two improved educational theory based tools to monitor and promote quality of geographical education and> learning. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 11(2), 119 - 137. "A concept map is a graphical knowledge representation method (Ã…hlberg, 1990a, 1993), among many (e.g. mind maps, Buzan, 1982, 1993). Concept maps were originally based on Ausubel’s learning theory (Novak &...

Technology Literacy

I was asked this question in an interview. And it makes me think since after... Just to list some ideas here. Technology literacy includes: knowledge (facts, concepts, principles, etc.) of related technology skills attitudes (how it is related to personal life, learning and career, and how it is related to the society; why it is important to have technology literacy...)