Concept Maps
- There are many reserachers... who refer to Novak and Gowin (1984), but clearly mix concept maps with Buzan's (1974, 2000) mind maps, which are much simpler association maps.
- Most articles published that describe the use of concept mapping refer to Novak and Gowin (1984).
- Novak (1998) has applied for a trademark of his style of concept mapping: Concept Maps TM.
Example of Concept Map:
Ahlberg, M. & Ahoranta, V. 2002. Two improved educational theory based tools to monitor and promote quality of geographical education and> learning. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 11(2), 119 - 137.
"A concept map is a graphical knowledge representation method (Åhlberg, 1990a, 1993), among many (e.g. mind maps, Buzan, 1982, 1993). Concept maps were originally based on Ausubel’s learning theory (Novak & Gowin, 1984: 12). Åhlberg (1993, 1997) has improved them." (p. 120)
"In a good concept map, every concept has just one representation, as in a good spatialmapwhere geographic place is represented only once. In themind map (Figure 1) the same concept may be presented several times ... In a concept map, you may readily count links to and fromeach concept." (p. 121)