Teaching Word And Freedom in Teaching
Last night I spent a lot of time working on the activity I will use for Word today in class. I also spent a lot of time on improving the job aid of Word created by JL. I still feel that there are so many things in Word and I so much wish to teach all the useful things to my students. However, in today's class, I could only finish activity one. When I was having lunch, I was thinking, yes, it is impossible for me to teach all of them. I still need to think of ways to more effeciently suit each student's special needs for learning. I also need to think of ways to really engage them in learning technology, instead of just passively following. In that case, they will continue learning even outside classroom. There are so many things I want to do. But I feel I lack experience to enjoy the "freedom" in teaching. In Chinese, I cannot do it 游刃有余. There is still a lot of inconsistency between my belief in teaching and the way I really teach. I spent a lot of time preparing for...